Building a Brighter Tomorrow
Energy Infrastructure Development creates opportunities. An undervalued community can suddenly become a magnet for positive development. And RDEVCO projects help by catapulting nations into the world economy, empowering their people, and embracing progress.
Businesses that once struggled for a foot hold are able to expand. Improved power capacity is vital for bringing jobs and prosperity to regions where unemployment and poverty are rampant. Energy development can help many nations in the Global South break free from their "extraction role" in the marketplace.
Economic stability creates an open society and a better political climate, leading to respect for human rights and the rule of law. As people gain mastery of newer technologies, they are exposed to broader horizons and participation in the global community.
With a reliable power supply life saving advances in medicine can be made available to the people who need it the most. Once communities gains access to modern power generation technology it can help deliver effective health care to suffering people.
At RDEVCO we deeply believe in the power of people in developing nations to drive their own destinies. We are committed to bringing them the energy infrastructure they need to build a brighter tomorrow.
Contact details
713 952 3472Telephone:
713 952 0932FAX:
5825 Schumacher
Houston, Texas 77057